create a particle physics system in Unity I go to GameObject - Create Other -
Particle. This applies a particle system to my unity scene.
the Inspector menu I can adjust the variables of the particle system to suit an
effect of my choice. For this blog post I will create a rising flame. To do
this I go to the Particle Renderer script in the inspector menu and double
click on Materials - default elements section. This brings a new window within
the Inspector menu which allows me to change the textures of the particle
system. From here I select Flame D which is a particle texture that comes with
the Unity software, this now changes the textures that the particle system
I can adjust the variables of the particle system to get the effect of a rising
flame. To do this I change the Max Size to 1 (this adds a variety to
the size of the particles being emitted) , the World Velocity to 5 on the Y
axis (this sends the up the Y axis to a factor of 2), the Local Velocity to 1
(this adds a sway to the particles direction which gives the effect of the
particles being swayed by the wind) and finally the under the Local Rotation
Axis - Size Grow to 1. Below is the result.
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